Program your subconscious mind to improve mental performance for peak brain power! This 4 Subliminal CD collection includes: Photographic Memory Enhancement/Improve Memory Functioning, Accelerated Learning Genius, Improve Concentration & Focus Skills, Increase Creativity/Creative Ability. I first became aware of this technology thru reading of extraterrestrial trade between covert super secret earth groups and aliens which had this technology. Advanced Psychic Ability / Psychic Development Program (ESP, Clairvoyance, Dreams, Astral Travel & Telepathy - Develop Supernatural Powers - Paranormal / Psychic CD Collection with Brainwave Entrancement Technology & NLP (4 CDs: Psychic Ability, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection / Out of Body Experiences, Remote Viewing / Remote Viewer Aid)
BMV Quantum Subliminal CD Set- 4 SUBLIMINAL CDs - Peak Mental Performance & Brain Power CD Collection with Brainwave Entrainment Technology & NLP (4 CDs: Photographic Memory Enhancement/Improve Memory Functioning, Accelerated Learning Genius, Improve Concentration & Focus Skills, Increase Creativity/Creative Ability)
- CREATE POSITIVE RESULTS using this state-of-the-art BMV QUANTUM SUBLIMINAL CDs. Powerful affirmations, hypnotic suggestions and thousands of positive subliminal messages program your subconscious mind for positive lasting results. The first 3 tracks contain ocean sounds with embedded subliminal messages, brainwave entrainment and ultrasonic subliminals. All you consciously hear is the sound of soothing ocean waves. Track 4 is the ULTRASONIC ULTRA-SILENT SUBLIMINAL TRACK with no ocean sounds at all. Just pure silence! Our exclusive Quantum Subliminal Matrix TechnologyTM(QSMT) sets a new standard for the subliminal industry! We have merged existing subliminal techniques with many of our own exclusive technologies to create the most powerful CDs on the market. This CD contains the following audio neuro-technologies to maximize your results: Ultra-Silent Ultrasonic Subliminal Frequency Modulation TechnologyTM- All subliminal messages are modulated to ultrasonic ranges (high carrier frequencies) for full meta-programming with no audible sound at all on Track 4! You can use this powerful broadcast of silent subliminals in any setting! Program yourself anywhere, anytime! *Multichannel Subliminal Replication TechnologyTM- 100 TIMES MORE SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES makes it 100 TIMES MORE POWERFUL than any other subliminal tapes or CDs. *Autonomic Audio Pacing TechnologyTM(AAPT)- Relaxed heartbeat and breathing patterns cause physiological responses that trigger deep progressive relaxation to maximize your results. *Brainwave Entrainment Technologies- Embedded Monaural and binaural beats create hemispheric synchronization while tuning your brainwaves to specific frequencies that are the most effective for subliminal programming. *Monaural entrainment tones- No need for headphones! Get your copy today
God has an intention for our lives and if we follow his paths, we will find ourselves living a truly fulfilling life. We should transforms conventional thinking about making things happen in our lives into a profound understanding of how each person possesses the infinite potential and power to co-create the life he or she desires. To accomplish this, you must takes through a journey into the seven faces of intention:
(1) creativity,
(2) kindness;
(3) love,
(4) beauty, (
5) expansiveness,
(6)abundance, and
(7) receptivity.
The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way.
This is a wonderful book that will teach you how to align intention and focus, along with your energy to manifest what you desire to create in your life. By using the tools in this book, you WILL receive that which you place your focus on.
This book will teach you how to become A 'Connector' by working in harmony with those around you. It gives you examples to raise your energy above the negativity of 'competition' and shows you how to align yourself in harmony no matter what your outer conditions are. When you are attuned to this field of alignment, you will radiate and attract to you exactly what is within the field of energy you are in harmony with.
Connecting to the filed of intention is a conscious, daily, moment by moment inner experience to connect you to the highest that exists within you. As a result you WILL bring about EXACTLY what you harmonize with on all levels. This book is a wonderful tool to help you consciously bring about the best in your life from the inside out. Click Here To Become A Connector To Manifest ANYTHING
Creative Sound Blaster Recon3D THX PCIE Sound Card SB1350
Upgrade to mind-blowing PC gaming audio with the Sound Blaster Recon3D PCIE sound card powered by the revolutionary Sound Core3D quad-core Sound and Voice processor. Whether you’re on a headset or desktop speakers you’ll have a distinct tactical advantage over the competition with massively powerful THX TruStudio Pro audio technologies that deliver incredibly immersive surround sound with pin-point accurate audio placement. Lead your fellow warriors on the battlefield with CrystalVoice Voice and Clarity technologies that ensure even in the heat of battle your voice will be heard clearly. Choose the PC audio choice of Champions, and hear the sound of victory. Choose Sound Blaster.
BMV Quantum Subliminal CD Set- 4 SUBLIMINAL CDs - Peak Mental Performance & Brain Power CD Collection with Brainwave Entrainment Technology & NLP (4 CDs: Photographic Memory Enhancement/Improve Memory Functioning, Accelerated Learning Genius, Improve Concentration & Focus Skills, Increase Creativity/Creative Ability)
God has an intention for our lives and if we follow his paths, we will find ourselves living a truly fulfilling life. We should transforms conventional thinking about making things happen in our lives into a profound understanding of how each person possesses the infinite potential and power to co-create the life he or she desires. To accomplish this, you must takes through a journey into the seven faces of intention:
(1) creativity,
(2) kindness;
(3) love,
(4) beauty, (
5) expansiveness,
(6)abundance, and
(7) receptivity.
The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way.
This book will teach you how to become A 'Connector' by working in harmony with those around you. It gives you examples to raise your energy above the negativity of 'competition' and shows you how to align yourself in harmony no matter what your outer conditions are. When you are attuned to this field of alignment, you will radiate and attract to you exactly what is within the field of energy you are in harmony with.
Connecting to the filed of intention is a conscious, daily, moment by moment inner experience to connect you to the highest that exists within you. As a result you WILL bring about EXACTLY what you harmonize with on all levels. This book is a wonderful tool to help you consciously bring about the best in your life from the inside out. Click Here To Become A Connector To Manifest ANYTHING
Creative Sound Blaster Recon3D THX PCIE Sound Card SB1350
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